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Volunteering for a safer community
חברת שומרים

Welcome to Shomrim London - Stamford Hill Search & Rescue Community Safety Patrol
Shomrim in London was set up in 2005 & North West London in 2008 and is now an organization that needs no introduction. There are over 30 Shomrim organisations in cities around the world and Shomrim has evolved rapidly into a household name. Manchester has set up 2 branches that operate in the Greater Manchster Police Area
The First Shomrim in the UK was Stamford Hill Safety and Rescue Patrol, founded in 2005 by Efrayim Goldstein has 50 volunteers and a 24-hour emergency hotline. In its first five months of operation, the hotline received 2,000 calls reporting burglaries, thefts and muggings. Incoming calls are broadcast both to police and Shomrim members. While police figures previously showed Stamford Hill to have the lowest crime rate in the borough of Hackney, the presence of Shomrim has revealed that crime was being underreported by the largely Yiddish-speaking Hasidic community.
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